Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Calves Don't Like Humping

Completed another road trip today. I swear to God, no word of a lie, I think in the last week I've logged close to 2000 km.  I was going to Bengough today which is right in the heart of rural Saskatchewan.  Well wait, pretty much all of Saskatchewan is 'rural'.  Today though I saw something I really enjoyed.  One calf was trying to hump another calf who was less than appreciative. I enjoyed this a lot. What I did not enjoy was trying not to hit the thirty-odd gophers and other rodent-like creatures hell bent on crossing the highway. I don't like these animals but I don't want to run them over either.  Little fuckers have a death wish though. I hit one. Probably my first one ever. Sigh. It was sad.

I'm watching America's Got Talent which seems to be more 'Who has the Saddest Story and Passable Made-up Talent with which to Accompany It'. 
MY EYE WON'T STOP TWITCHING.  I didn't sleep well last night and to add to my stress-induced insomnia my three year old amped up the fun by peeing in my bed. 

I also had to drive a Cavalier today so no music save for the radio. I tried to listen to the Gospel Hour but couldn't do it. As soon as they asked people to "pray for them or maybe even financially contribute to their cause" I was out. I don't think Jebus was a capitalist.

To sum it up I feel like the calf I saw being violated today...poor little fucker.

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